

Foot Pain is NOT normal.

We help you and your family put your best foot forward!

Wasaga Family Foot & Orthotic Clinic is happy to continue taking care of painful feet in Wasaga Beach, Collingwood, Elmvale, Barrie, Stayner, Angus, Tiny, Midland, and surrounding areas. Our practitioners will evaluate your condition and present an individualized, evidence-based treatment for your specific goals. We offer a wide range of services for your whole family.

Let us help you get back to healthy, happy steps!

Advanced Foot Care For Heel Pain

Our Specialties and Common Treatments

Custom Foot Orthotics

What sets apart the Team at Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic is our drive to specially design our patient’s Custom Foot Orthotics to support, align, prevent, deflect, and correct deformity, ultimately improving and restoring the function of the body and enhancing the quality of life. 

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are not fun. We strive to provide a pain-free experience for our patients. We offer education, conservative trimming, nail bracing, and permanent surgical solutions onsite. Don’t delay treatment!

Sports Medicine & Foot Pain

One of our specialties is providing treatment and rehabilitation plans for athletic injuries, musculoskeletal pain (back/legs/feet), and heel pain. We know how important it is to get you back to your sports and daily activities with pain-free feet. 

Custom Foot Orthotics

What sets apart the Team at Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic is our drive to specially design our patient’s Custom Foot Orthotics to support, align, prevent, deflect, and correct deformity, ultimately improving and restoring the function of the body and enhancing the quality of life. 

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are not fun. We strive to provide a pain-free experience for our patients. We offer education, conservative trimming, nail bracing, and permanent surgical solutions onsite. Don’t delay treatment!

Sports Medicine & Foot Pain

One of our specialties is providing treatment and rehabilitation plans for athletic injuries, musculoskeletal pain (back/legs/feet), and heel pain. We know how important it is to get you back to your sports and daily activities with pain-free feet. 

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are a build-up of hard skin (hyperkeratosis) caused by excessive friction and pressure points on the feet. Corns are a concentrated bulk of hard skin with a core that requires pain-free professional removal to alleviate pain and prevent a worsening condition. A Chiropodist will assess your feet and gait to determine the cause of the condition and educate you on how to prevent the issue from returning. 

Fungal Toenails

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a common and stubborn condition of the toenails. It starts with a  minor white/yellow discoloration of the nail and, if left untreated, can spread to the other toenails. Eventually, the fungus causes the nail to grow thick and permanently damages the underlying nail bed. Seek treatment before it grows out of control. Debridement/ thinning out, medications, photodynamic light therapy, and surgical removal are offered onsite with almost 90% effectiveness. 


Plantar Warts

Human Papilloma Virus causes warts (verruca) and can spread to other areas of the body and people. Avoid touching them with your hands. It is advised to treat warts immediately before spreading or becoming more resistant. There are various treatment methods ranging from conservative topicals to surgical removal.

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are a build-up of hard skin (hyperkeratosis) caused by excessive friction and pressure points on the feet. Corns are a concentrated bulk of hard skin with a core that requires pain-free professional removal to alleviate pain and prevent a worsening condition. A Chiropodist will assess your feet and gait to determine the cause of the condition and educate you on how to prevent the issue from returning. 

Fungal Toenails

Nail fungus (onychomycosis) is a common and stubborn condition of the toenails. It starts with a  minor white/yellow discoloration of the nail and, if left untreated, can spread to the other toenails. Eventually, the fungus causes the nail to grow thick and permanently damages the underlying nail bed. Seek treatment before it grows out of control. Debridement/ thinning out, medications, photodynamic light therapy, and surgical removal are offered onsite with almost 90% effectiveness. 

Plantar Warts

Human Papilloma Virus causes warts (verruca) and can spread to other areas of the body and people. Avoid touching them with your hands. It is advised to treat warts immediately before spreading or becoming more resistant. There are various treatment methods ranging from conservative topicals to surgical removal.

Additional Treatments

Orthopedic Footwear
Athlete’s Foot
Bunions / Hammer Toes
Flat Feet or High Arches
Plantar Fasciitis
Foot Mobilization Therapy
Soft Tissue Surgery
Routine Foot Care
Pediatric Footcare
Diabetes Foot Assesments
Cortisone Injections
Wound Care
Morton's Neuroma
Compression Socks

Orthopedic shoes are stocked and available onsite at Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic. You can have your shoes properly fitted for your foot type/size. Many different styles of orthotics are available to accommodate all foot types and activities. 

Athlete’s Foot (tinea pedis) is a common fungal skin infection. It can present as an itchy, smelly, burning, and sometimes painful red rash between the toes and the bottom of the foot. If left untreated, the fungal infection can become complicated with bacteria and rapidly spread. Immediate treatment is essential when the first signs of the rash appear. Keeping feet (and shoes!) clean and dry, changing socks when damp, and spraying your shoes with an anti-fungal spray can help to prevent Athlete’s Foot.

Bunions and Hammer Toes can be caused by a variety of factors, such as the way you walk, genetics, improper footwear, weak muscles in the feet, etc. Bunions and Hammer Toes are progressive/growing deformities, and it is imperative to treat them early to prevent worsening conditions and wounds between the toes. An assessment with us will determine the cause of the deformity and develop an individualized management plan with you.

 Surgery is available; learn more below. 

Both flat feet (fallen arches) and high arches can lead to secondary foot conditions such as heel pain, plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, knee and back pain, and many others. Preventative medicine is the best medicine. We are happy to discuss a treatment plan to preserve and optimize muscle function, prevent injury, and strengthen to keep you moving without pain! 

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel and arch pain. It involves irritation and inflammation of the thick ligament on the bottom of the foot. Often, sharp/stabbing pain at the heel occurs with the first few steps in the morning. Immediate treatment is imperative for pain relief and prevention.

Foot Mobilization Therapy (FMT) is a manual medicine used to mobilize joints, reduce pain, improve function, and restore motion. Patients with foot pain, stiff joints, and arthritis may benefit from FMT.

Standard soft tissue surgical procedures include toenail procedures, plantar wart needling or excision, hammer/claw toe straightening with a tendon release, cyst aspiration/excisions, foreign body removal, skinplasties, instep plantar fasciotomy for chronic heel pain and injection therapy.

All these procedures can be done in the clinic under local anesthesia and will be considered when conservative measures are insufficient.

Surgery is available; learn more below. 

As we age, toenails become challenging to cut, callus builds up, or health conditions may require professional foot care to prevent infection. Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic provides routine foot care to ensure optimal foot health. Don’t risk infection; let us take care of your difficult-to-cut toenails and dry callus. Your independence and mobility are highly linked to healthy feet, and painful toes are not typical. Poorly maintained feet can lead to infections, injuries, and other foot complications.

Is your child playing sports, walking, or running with pain in their feet, knees, legs, hips or back?

A biomechanical assessment by your Chiropodist can reveal causes and prevent growing deformities to ensure your child follows a typical growth pattern. If you notice your child has excessively flat feet and walks with toes pointed inward or outward, you must act on this, as there is a small window for conservative correction, and we all want our kids to grow healthy and happy. 

Diabetes can cause severe foot complications, such as decreased blood supply, nerve damage, pain, wounds, infections, and more. Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic provides complimentary diabetic foot assessments to maintain healthy feet. Call us today if you have not had a diabetic foot screening in the last 12 months. Along with the assessment and treatment plan, your Chiropodist will provide you with detailed education to prevent pathology and provide the best quality of life. Diabetes leads to amputation in 1/5 of people; please don’t let that be you! It is preventable.

Corticosteroid injections decrease chronic inflammation and pain in soft tissues and joints of the body. Common locations include the heel, ankle, big toe joint and between toes.

Chiropodists are specially trained to manage wounds on the feet. Commonly treated and healed wounds include Diabetic ulcerations due to neuropathy or poor circulation, infections, blisters, abrasions, and abscesses. Chiropodists at Wasaga Family Foot and Orthotic Clinic will educate you on your foot type and condition and cohesively work together to develop a long-term solution. The most up-to-date offloading devices include total contact casting, semi-compressed felt, custom foot orthotics, offloading surgical boots, air casts, and more.

Morton’s Neuroma is a painful condition affecting the forefoot’s balls. Symptoms often include pain, numbness and tingling, or causing the toes to spread out. A neuroma is caused by nerve irritation between the metatarsal bones, most commonly between the third and fourth toes, where two individual nerves merge to create a single branch. Conservative therapy is effective in almost all cases, and injection and surgical options are available onsite when necessary.

There are two types of compression socks, swelling compression socks and performance compression socks.

Swelling Compression socks are custom measured to apply gradual compression reducing fluid build-up in your feet/legs. Swelling Compression socks prevent varicose veins, decrease heavy leg sensation, and promote proper blood flow to prevent and treat blood clots.

Performance compression socks enhance blood flow return and lymphatic flow to decrease post-exercise muscle soreness, delay muscle fatigue by 13-20%, and recover quicker! Less energy wasted = greater push-off forces for running and jumping sports. Performance compression socks can also be fitted to provide support and prevent injury.

Compression socks come in various sizes, lengths, and colours and are available with different compression strengths.

Advanced Foot Care For Heel Pain
Advanced Foot Care For Heel Pain
Advanced Foot Care For Heel Pain
Advanced Foot Care For Heel Pain